Deedwell: A Fiction In Progress – 3

Stemming from thoughts about Adam and Eve, this poem points to the grace required in a relationship between husband and wife, man and woman.

(This poem comes out off my fiction work in progress; current title “Deedwell”. In this format, the following is not quite right for the book I’m writing, but it fits in the context of “Grace Unpacked”.)

“Towards a Marriage” (Work in progress for Deedwell)

We were awoken here when we were young.
Male and female. You and me
Containing seeds and eggs of those to come.
We trusted in each other, we believed
Although we knew the dirt that we were from.

To join to more, I jumped to marry you
Hope fertilising gardens in our minds
And spirit-springs linked caves for us to use –
No divide between, no need to hide,
Free and deep in worship weaving through.

But we ate forbidden fruit, when we were young.
Denying love with every wrong we made,
We didn’t dream of two we would become.
For fleeting lust, what is the price we paid?
Each settling blame upon the other one.

Can you still taste the juice of it, my dear,
When all that was on offer we just ate?
Forgetting or ignoring then to fear
The blocking walls which jeer and separate?
And do you really think that God’s still near?

Now we’re hiding far from divine view.
Earth’s hard, I hear you’re screaming in your sleep.
I mirror pain but who can yet undo
Knowledge of good and evil that we keep?
Flaming swords divide all we once knew.

Remember how you would reach out to me?
I yearn for you my darling, miss your touch.
Treasure each memory of what we’ve been
Man, woman sharing life – us being us.
We walked with God; we flowed as two in three.

Imagine to restart with love again
Retain this time the wholeness as our base.
I’d give my soul to go straight back to then
If somehow I would bridge this gap with grace,
Regenerate our unity. Amen.

Awake these here in love, while they are young.
He just being he, she being she.
Containing seeds and eggs of those to come.
Bless this marriage, God, and let it be
Example: Man and woman now redone.

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